Analysis of the Effect of Employee Engagement Mediated Human Resources on Developer Companies in Batam City


  • Dhita Hafizha Asri Universitas Internasional Batam
  • Jeri Liani Universitas Internasional Batam



Employee Engagement, Human Resources, Developer Companies, Batam City


Employee involvement usually affects human resources at company developers in Batam City. The study's primary objective was to identify the factors that most affected employee performance via the medium of employee engagement. The variables of training & development, compensation & benefits, leadership, recruitment & selection, and awards & recognition. The sample of this research are employees of a developer company in Batam City, where the sample acquisition is 384 data. In addition, the SmartPLS 3.2.9 program will be used to analyze the data samples. The test data obtained in this study, namely the direct test, showed that employee engagement was positively and significantly influenced by employee performance, and training & development, while compensation & benefits, leadership, recruitment & selection and reward & recognition were not. The direct test also shows that employee engagement is positively and significantly affected by employee performance, while the independent variable is not. The indirect test results through independent variables did not succeed in mediating employee engagement on employee performance.


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How to Cite

Asri, Dhita Hafizha, and Jeri Liani. 2022. “Analysis of the Effect of Employee Engagement Mediated Human Resources on Developer Companies in Batam City”. International Journal of Social Science and Religion (IJSSR) 3 (3):381-402.


